What are CDNs and should I use them?

CDNs are content delivery networks. They’re primarily used to serve commonly used files in an effort to speed up the web experience. That’s the nutshell. What is really going on?…

Coronavirus have you stuck at home? What can you do?

These are loaded questions. The possibilities are endless and it doesn’t matter if you’re tech savvy or not. Start a business If you have an idea, you can start a…

Facebook marketing – what NOT to do!

Facebook (FB) marketing is definitely some of the easiest marketing you can do, but there is one aspect you should avoid. Boost Post is one of the easiest, quickest ways…

What is a Sales Funnel and why you should care?

For most e-commerce sites, the main purpose of a website is to get sales. When we ask the question: “What are some key metrics you are interested in for your…

Why Promotional Products?

The first thing to understand is that promotional products are more than just giveaways at a conference. Promotional products span a huge variety of things, but you can really boil…

Are all of your eggs in one basket?

Putting “all of your eggs in one basket” means focusing your attention/love/money/time/assets or anything else of value on a single thing. While it seems like a good thing to be…

Is User Experience a new concept?

User experience (UX) is most definitely not a new concept. As long as there have been users, there has been user experience. I would even equate it to customer experience…

Mobile-friendly or Responsive Web Site?

So you’ve started looking into creating a new site. Or it’s time to redo an existing site. As you look to the Internet for inspiration and ideas, you see the…

Should I cater to Google when creating my site?

“Just google it.” When a search engine becomes so mainstream that it’s name becomes a verb, it likely because nearly everyone is using it. And when nearly everyone is using…